Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow day!!

Hank is my snow doggie and he can stay outside for hours if I let him. The snow started at about 2am and has been coming down in waves of heavy to the dusty stuff that gets in your eyes. The weather man said it was like 9 degrees outside. brrrrr  Time to go light a fire and cozy up on the sofa with my crochet hooks and yarn! Tonight I am finishing my Angry Birds for my stepson. I have to wait for my store to get some more safety eyes in but I can everything else while I wait! I can't wait to post some pictures when they are all done! Happy Thursday :)


  1. We got our first snow today!! and it's still snowing. Our lab love to got out and play in the snow with the kids... they are hoping for a snow day tomorrow.

  2. That looks so cool! We don't get snow here in South Texas! :-(

  3. We have a snow day today! With 5 kids, though, I need to come up with some serious activities!
